Law Abiding Citizen: A Powerful Look at the U.S. Judicial System

Law Abiding

Law Abiding Citizen is a 2009 thriller film directed by F. Gary Gray and starring Gerard Butler, Jamie Foxx, and Colm Meaney. The film follows the story of Clyde Shelton (Gerard Butler), a man whose family is brutally murdered, and his journey of revenge and justice against the legal system that fails him. The film is a powerful reflection on how the justice system in the United States can be flawed and how it can be manipulated by those in power.

Plot Summary

The film begins with the brutal murder of Clyde Shelton’s family by two burglars. During the trial, prosecutor Nick Rice (Jamie Foxx) offers a plea deal to one of the killers in exchange for testifying against his partner. The other killer is sentenced to death, but Nick’s plea deal results in a reduced sentence for the first killer.

When Clyde realizes that the plea deal will allow one of the murderers to go free, he decides to take matters into his own hands. He begins to systematically seek revenge against all those who were involved in the trial, from the murderers to the lawyers and judges who were supposed to deliver justice.

Law Abiding Citizen: A Powerful Look at the U.S. Judicial System


The film explores themes of justice, power, and revenge. It examines how power and money can manipulate the judicial system, as shown by the plea deals given to the two men responsible for Clyde’s family’s death. It also highlights the consequences of seeking revenge, as Clyde continues to push the boundaries of what is legally and morally acceptable in his quest to avenge his family.

The film also touches on the issue of police brutality, as the police use excessive force to apprehend Clyde and stop his killing spree. It raises questions about the use of force by law enforcement officials and the blurred lines between justice and revenge.

Flaws in the US Justice System

One of the main themes explored in Law Abiding Citizen is the flaws in the U.S. justice system. The film shows how the system can be manipulated by those in power, and how the wealthy and influential can use their resources to influence the outcome of a trial. This is evident in the plea deal that Nick offers to one of the killers, which results in a reduced sentence for his cooperation.

The plea deal is a common tactic used by prosecutors to secure a conviction in a trial. However, it can also be used to manipulate the outcome of a trial, as was the case in Law Abiding Citizen. The film highlights how plea deals can be used to protect the interests of the justice system, rather than to deliver justice to the victims and their families.

Another flaw in the U.S. justice system that the film explores is the issue of overcrowding in prisons. The film shows how the plea deal given to one of the killers results in a reduced sentence, which means that he will be released from prison earlier than he should be. This is a common problem in the U.S. prison system, where overcrowding is a major issue. The film raises questions about the effectiveness of the justice system if criminals can be released early due to overcrowding, rather than serving their full sentences.


Power and Money

Another theme explored in Law Abiding Citizen is the corrupting influence of power and money. The film shows how those in power can use their influence to manipulate the justice system and protect their own interests. This is evident in the plea deal that Nick offers to one of the killers, which is done to protect the interests of the justice system, rather than to deliver justice to the victims and their families.

The film also highlights how the wealthy can use their resources to influence the outcome of a trial. This is evident in the way that the lawyers and judges in the film are portrayed as being influenced by the wealthy and influential. The film raises questions about the fairness of the justice system if those with power and money can use their resources to influence the outcome of a trial.

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Revenge and Justice

The film explores the complex relationship between revenge and justice. Clyde’s quest for revenge against those who were involved in the trial is driven by a sense of injustice and a desire to avenge his family. However, his actions raise questions about the morality of seeking revenge, and whether it is ever justified.

The film also raises questions about the effectiveness of the justice system in delivering justice to victims and their families. Clyde’s quest for revenge is driven by a sense of injustice, and his actions are a reflection of the failure of the justice system to deliver justice to his family.

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Police Brutality

Another theme explored in Law Abiding Citizen is the issue of police brutality. The film shows how the police use excessive force to apprehend Clyde and stop his killing spree. This raises questions about the use of force by law enforcement officials, and the blurred lines between justice and revenge.

The film also highlights the consequences of police brutality, as Clyde’s actions are a direct result of the excessive force used by the police. This raises questions about the effectiveness of the justice system in delivering justice to victims and their families, and whether the use of force by law enforcement officials is ever justified.


Law Abiding Citizen was well received by critics, with many praising its exploration of complex themes and its powerful performances. The film was praised for its suspenseful story, its intense action sequences, and its thought-provoking look at the U.S. judicial system. The film was a commercial success, grossing over $126 million worldwide.

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Law Abiding Citizen is a powerful and thought-provoking film that shines a light on the flaws in the U.S. judicial system and the consequences of seeking revenge. The film’s exploration of complex themes and its powerful performances make it a must-watch for fans of the thriller genre. The film raises important questions about the fairness of the justice system, the corrupting influence of power and money, and the morality of seeking revenge. It is a compelling and intense film that is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

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