Uber and Lyft Accident Lawyer

Uber & Lyft Accident Lawyer
Uber & Lyft Accident Lawyer

Between Uber and Lyft, many people take on average nearly half a million rides every day, which far and away exceeds yellow taxis in the world. If you think about it, you can find that many people like Uber and Lyft, especially people who do not want to walk the shortest way, needs an Uber and Lyft Accident Lawyer because there are of course going to be accidents.

So, let’s break down what to expect from an Uber and Lyft accident and how to make out the best case. Read our article and avoid these mistakes if you were involved in an accident.

Uber and Lyft Accident Lawyer Explained

With all these Uber and Lyft rides taking place, there are bound to be some bad drivers out there people that are reckless, negligent and put the health and safety of others at risk when there is a motor vehicle accident and someone is seriously injured that culpable party deserves to be held responsible.

No-Fault Law

If you are a passenger or even a driver in an Uber or Lyft that is hurt in an accident, your medical bills and your lost wages incurred as a result of the accident up to 50.000 is going to be paid through no fault insurance, which is the insurance of the car that you were in at the time of the accident, who is going to pay expenses? No matter who is to blame. 

The Difference in Insurance Coverage On Trip vs Waiting

The difference in insurance coverage is going to be very different based on whether the Uber driver is waiting for a fare at the time of the accident or if they have actually picked one up and are on a trip when the collision occurred, a big part of an Uber or Lyft driver’s day is being actively logged onto the app driving around waiting for ride requests by people like you.

At these times, they are technically on the clock but are not actually engaged in the act of driving an actual person yet. In that instance, the insurance coverage is actually going to be a lot less than when a person is picked up and the trip begins.

Insurance Limits for Driver Waiting

When an Uber or Lyft driver is driving around waiting to pick up someone, the liability insurance is typically going to cover up to 75.000 per person and up to 150.000 per accident in bodily insurance, meaning the amount a person can recover for personal injuries and they will have an additional 25.000 per accident for property damage. 

Insurance Limits for On Trip

On the flip side, these insurance policy numbers go up substantially when an Uber or Lyft driver is on a trip with someone in the actual car and when that happens, the insurance policy goes up to 1.25 million for bodily injury or property damage. Also, City ride shares are regulated by each country and maybe cities in themselves.  

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, if you are involved in an accident as either a driver or a passenger with an Uber or Lyft, here is what you can do. Number one is to report the accident, call the police and wait for it. If there is no-fault law in your country, it requires you to report your accident and your injuries within 30 days to your insurance company. So, do not wait! Also, if you live in New Jersey, you can read our article here to find out the laws for Lyft accident.

Take photos and videos at the scene if you are able to, and seek medical attention right away even if your injuries seem minor, because who knows what you are going to feel like the next morning. 

Do not make any incriminating statements at the scene and never give a recorded statement to anyone including the insurance company. Do not sign anything or accept any offers from the insurance company until you speak to an attorney. 

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